Kyle Coughlin's Educational Websites:
MetronomeBot is collection of eleven free online metronomes. The site includes metronomes that click, subdivide the beat, and speak the beat. MetronomeBot is a little robot that makes playing with a metronome fun.
mp3 metronome downloads
Talking metronome
Subdividing metronome
Metronomes in different meters
Explanations of every fundamental aspect of rhythm, with a step-by-step method of practicing patterns to help students improve their rhythm skills. The site includes audio examples of the rhythm patterns in the book The Fundamentals of Rhythm, by Kyle Coughlin.
Free blank sheet music paper with many choices of staff size and number of staves per page. The site includes grand staff paper and simple one-line percussion staves.
A clarinet site featuring fingering charts, free clarinet music, scale and arpeggio sheets, and other educational tools for students of all levels.
Clarinet Fingering Charts
The easiest to use clarinet fingering charts available anywhere. These charts are interactive and feature images of a clarinet. They are clear and simple and great for beginners. Printable clarinet fingering charts are available, too.